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Filmmakers Jaques del Conte and Chandra Ratner travel to Cite Soleil, a slum of Port-au-Prince, to meet with community activist Father Richard Frechette and the volunteers from Artists for Peace and Justice. Click here to watch more.

What we’ve seen in news outlets worldwide are images of Haiti in disarray. What is missing from international coverage is a grassroots forum that gives voice to the stories, emotions, and opinions of Haitian citizens.

A SOAPBOX IN HAITI is a speaker series, filmed on the roads and streets of Haiti, that championing the spirit of the Haitian people. By giving voice and vitality to the recovery process, A SOAPBOX IN HAITI informs the way Haiti, and the world, understands the sociopolitical, cultural, and humanitarian issues of post-earthquake Haiti. To this end, A SOAPBOX IN HAITI has the potential to become the most significant web source for understanding the “people’s history” of Haiti at this pivotal moment of reflection and rebuilding.

Filming takes place in villages, towns, and cities all over Haiti. Residents of Haiti deliver speeches on a topic significant to the region where the speaker lives. Topics include sustainable development, women’s empowerment, arts and culture, child advocacy, ecology, agriculture, education, and health education and disease prevention. Ultimately, A SOAPBOX IN HAITI will provide a unifying learning opportunity for the citizens of Haiti, humanitarians, the media, and viewers around the world to engage with the many aspects of the recovery process.

Learn more about our Ciné Institute director Paula Hyppolite


A SOAPBOX IN HAITI presents “Paula Hyppolite: Creating a film school in Jacmel” from Peripheral Productions on Vimeo.

The Stiller Foundation was featured on the December 2, 2012 broadcast of “CNN Heroes: Sharing the Spotlight.” For the show, Ben Stiller sat down with Anderson Cooper to discuss The Stiller foundation’s work in Haiti with Ciné Institute and elsewhere, as well his personal thoughts on philanthropy and celebrity

CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Ben Stiller from Ciné Institute on Vimeo.