Learn about our work
For over 12 years, Artists for Peace & Justice has been dedicated to changing the lives of those most in need.
We understand the game-changing effects of secondary and higher education in breaking the cycle of endemic poverty.
On January 12, 2010 a magnitude 7 earthquake devastated Haiti. Hundreds of thousands were killed and much of the capital city was leveled. The destruction was unimaginable, but urgency of that moment required action. We pledged our support to do more than just provide immediate humanitarian relief. We pledged to build lasting academic institutions that would serve a greater purpose.

Learn about our mission
We believe youth, especially those living in abject poverty, deserve liberty and equality to build a better life for themselves and for their families.

Learn about our partners
We understand that a solution will always be found by those closest to the problem. That is why we identify and invest in local grassroots organizations who work at home in their communities to bring about change.